Persuasive Writing 3

Today I finished my persuasive writing, I improved it by adding paragraphs to separate the different ideas that I wrote about. Here is the finished thing:


Do you think that a robot uprising would be bad? Well then you’ll be making fallout shelters for no reason and you would be living in hiding while everyone else is having a great time without you, a robot uprising would actually be a good thing.

Robots would be able to learn to take care of the planet better faster and they would actually do something with what they learnt, we could also engineer them to run from only electricity instead of diesel and gasoline. 

Robots would also make good politicians because they would be able to think of ways to persuade people and promote themselves much faster than humans, meaning they wouldn’t have to lie as much. Robots would be able to make much better technology to sell to humans.

If robots ever did anything bad we could just shut them down or restart them, we could even program them to be law enforcement and they would be much faster than humans so they would have a higher chance of catching criminals. They could also do our jobs without pay. 


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