My Debate

This week we have been writing scripts for debates, I was doing a debate with Vinny and Will about why school shouldn’t start 10am.

Person A (Will): This speech was deleted 🙁

Person B (Vinny): ‘In October 2023 the Educational Research Association found that if school starts earlier it doesn’t have a negative impact on elementary school students’. And besides If school starts later it would be difficult to schedule sports practice and after school activities.

Person C (me): A later start time could disrupt parents’ schedules or students’ sleep schedules. If schools started later students would take a while to adjust so they wake up at their normal time so they would be more tired throughout the day. So in conclusion, if school started at 10am it would have a big negative impact on not just students but also their parents.

I think me and my team worked well together except we didn’t talk loud enough and we didn’t have enough writing

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