Category: Hanga | Create

My Debate

This week we have been writing scripts for debates, I was doing a debate with Vinny and Will about why school shouldn’t start 10am.

Person A (Will): This speech was deleted 🙁

Person B (Vinny): ‘In October 2023 the Educational Research Association found that if school starts earlier it doesn’t have a negative impact on elementary school students’. And besides If school starts later it would be difficult to schedule sports practice and after school activities.

Person C (me): A later start time could disrupt parents’ schedules or students’ sleep schedules. If schools started later students would take a while to adjust so they wake up at their normal time so they would be more tired throughout the day. So in conclusion, if school started at 10am it would have a big negative impact on not just students but also their parents.

I think me and my team worked well together except we didn’t talk loud enough and we didn’t have enough writing

Learning This Week

This week at tech I was doing plastics, we learned how to bend the plastic used for the laser cutter to make holders for the coaster we made in week 2. We use machines that have a heater inside to heat up the plastic and make it more flexible. Then we put it in a vice and bent the plastic, then we rubbed a wet rag on the bend to cool it down and set it into place so that it doesn’t move again.


Today in maths we had to answer 100 division questions and I got 99 out of 100 correct in 4:06. My goal is to improve my time to finish in under 2:30.

Persuasive Writing 3

Today I finished my persuasive writing, I improved it by adding paragraphs to separate the different ideas that I wrote about. Here is the finished thing:


Do you think that a robot uprising would be bad? Well then you’ll be making fallout shelters for no reason and you would be living in hiding while everyone else is having a great time without you, a robot uprising would actually be a good thing.

Robots would be able to learn to take care of the planet better faster and they would actually do something with what they learnt, we could also engineer them to run from only electricity instead of diesel and gasoline. 

Robots would also make good politicians because they would be able to think of ways to persuade people and promote themselves much faster than humans, meaning they wouldn’t have to lie as much. Robots would be able to make much better technology to sell to humans.

If robots ever did anything bad we could just shut them down or restart them, we could even program them to be law enforcement and they would be much faster than humans so they would have a higher chance of catching criminals. They could also do our jobs without pay. 


Persuasive Writing 2

On Tuesday I did some persuasive writing. Today I improved it by actually making it persuasive instead of just writing my opinion, I did this by changing the start from ‘in my opinion.’ so now it is more persuasive than before.

Do you think that a robot uprising would be bad? Well then you’ll be making fallout shelters for no reason, a robot uprising would actually be a good thing. Robots would be able to learn much faster than humans and they could take care of the planet better. If they ever did anything bad we could just shut them down or restart them, we could even program them to be law enforcement and they would be much faster than humans so they would have a higher chance of catching criminals. They could also do our jobs without pay. Besides they would have no reason to wipe out humans so it would make earth the most awesome planet in existence.

Persuasive Writing

We are learning about persuasive writing. In this paragraph I used a rhetorical question and exaggeration.

Do you think that a robot uprising would be bad? In my opinion, it would be a good thing. Robots would be able to learn much faster than humans and they could take care of the planet better. If they ever did anything bad we could just shut them down or restart them, we could even program them to be law enforcement and they would be much faster than humans so they would have a higher chance of catching criminals. They could also do our jobs without pay. Besides they would have no reason to wipe out humans so it would make earth the most awesome planet in existence.

Camp Goal Setting

On Tuesday the 13th of February my class is going camping at Spencer Park for one night. Here are my goals for the camp: On the first day, I need to be resilient and not get tired because I need to bike 8km. At night I need to show integrity by not staying up all night and yelling because then nobody else will be able to sleep. I hope I will be successful when I set up my tent otherwise I won’t have anywhere to sleep. When we set up the tents, I need to show empathy by not laughing a people who can’t set up their own tent.