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End Of Year Reflection

This year I was in the class Tangaroa. Tangaroa is the senior class at Rawhiti School.

Here are some highlights from the year. First is winter sport, this year I played netball, it was my first time playing the sport but I think I did pretty well. My second highlight was the year seven camp, we went to Camp Kakariki and it was very fun, we played lots of different games and most of them were fun.

When I came to Tangaroa, I was curious to see what I was going to be doing because from what I had heard, it was very different from the other classes.

My goals for next year are to improve my focus so I can get my work done faster and understand the work better, get better in all areas of maths so I can get a higher score in the ICAS tests and I want to improve my stamina and speed for athletics day. I can’t think of any other goals at the moment, but by the time I start next year I will have a lot more goals.

When I leave school I want to be an astronomer so I can learn more about space.

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Side Stroke

This is how to do the side stroke in water:

Arm movements:

  1. You extend your bottom arm with your palm facing down.
  2. You rest your other arm on your side.
  3. You sweep your extended arm backward in a half circle movement.
  4. You move your other arm forward until the two arms meet.
  5. You move your bottom arm back to its extended position with the palm facing down.
  6. You sweep your other arm backwards until it is in its original position.
  7. After all that you glide for a bit before repeating the cycle.

Leg Movements

  1. Extend your legs and point your toes.
  2. Move your top leg forward until your hip and knee joints are just less than 45°
  3. Your bottom leg moves in the opposite direction, it bends a bit backward at the hip but a lot at the knee.
  4. You extend your bottom leg and kick your top leg back to its original position.
  5. You then repeat the cycle.

My Explanation

This week my literacy group has been writing explanations from a few different categories, I chose the endangered animal category and the animal I chose was the red panda. In the explanation we had to write why they are endangered, what people are doing to preserve them and what you can do to help. After we wrote the explanation, we had to do a self assessment. In the self assessment we had to put a hand in a box depending on how well we did on the task the box said.

Writing A Narrative Poem

For the past few weeks we have been writing narrative poems. I found writing it challenging because I was sick for a lot of it so I didn’t know what to do. I used some similes and alliteration to make the poem less bland and slightly more interesting. The poem is mostly composed of couplets but also some quatrains, here is a link to the poem.

Maths – Ratios

Today in maths we learnt about ratios, we learnt how to simplify them and the three different ways to write them. We did a worksheet where we had word problems that we had to find a ratio here is an example,

A pattern has 4 blue triangles to every 12 yellow triangles. What is the ratio of blue triangles to all triangles?

The answer is 4:16 which you can simplify by dividing each number by the lowest common factor that isn’t 1, for this it is 4. The simplified answer is 1:4.