Category: Hanga | Create

A Visit From An Olympian

Today we had an Olympic trampolinist called Maddie Davidson, she went to the Tokyo Olympics last year. She talked about her experience in competitions and the three values that NZ Olympians have, They were excellence, respect and friendship. She also talked about what the Olympic Village was like, she said that the beds were made of cardboard so that they were all recyclable. Here are some photos of what happened,

Waterways Writing

Today my literacy group had to write five sentences about water, they had to include a noun, an adjective and a verb. After that, we had to write a story out of one of them. Here are my sentences,


Rapids are very turbulent sections of rivers in which the water rushes forward very fast.


The lake was very shallow at its border.


The impressive dam diverts water away from the city.


A school of mighty fish swim around a huge boulder.


The icy waterway roars as it flows through the mountains.




A school of mighty fish swim around a huge boulder. They must travel through every river, creek and ocean in search of the ultimate home. They already know exactly what their ideal habitat is, all that would live there are just more fish and LOTS of algae so that they are the apex predator and they would build their own city for them to live in. So far the school has traveled through two hundred and ninety three creeks, one hundred and twenty seven rivers and 2 oceans and they are still not any closer to finding their new home. One day while swimming they saw a huge river shark, it was much bigger than them so they swam as far down as they could to avoid the shark, but while they were at the bottom of the river they saw a small tunnel in the riverbed, an underground river. The fish swam into the tunnel and came out into a huge lake. It had no fish in it, just lots of coral and algae. This was their perfect habitat.

Banqer 3

Today for maths we did work about credit. We worked in groups of three, four or five, I worked with Angus, Jed, Josaiah, Lachie. Here is a link to the work we did.

We had to answer questions about credit score and then share them in front of the class.

Mahi-Ā-Tahi Feedback

This year we have been doing a thing called mahi-ā-tahi. Mahi-ā-tahi has lots of different tasks that we can complete to get points, by the end of the week we need to have five points and if we do then we get a bit of free time.

While doing mahi-ā-tahi I have enjoyed doing puzzles such as Wordle, Flagle, Murdle and Globle, I have also enjoyed writing stories, the stories we have to write have to be at least 200 words and we can use writing prompts or think of our own story.

Something I would add is some tasks to do with coding like creating animations and games on Scratch.

Banqer 2

Today for Banqer we have been learning the definitions of even more financial terms. We had 14 cards, seven of them were the words and the other seven were the definitions, here are the words with their definitions,

  1. Interest rate, the rate at which you are charged every week. This is a percentage of the overdraft balance each week.
  2. Weekly service fee, A fee that you regularly pay to the bank for having an overdraft.
  3. Bankruptcy, when you have no money left and cannot pay your debts.
  4. Max overdraft limit, the maximum amount of money you are allowed to borrow.
  5. Setup fee, a one off charge that is sometimes called an establishment fee.
  6. Arranged overdraft,  when you apply to the bank to borrow more money than is in your bank account.
  7. Unarranged overdraft, When you spend more money than you have is in your bank account.

Last week we also had to work out the meanings of other words, here they are,

  1. Debit cards, a card that takes money from your bank account.
  2. Credit card, a card that borrows money from the bank, you also have to pay back the money you borrowed.
  3. After pay and Hire purchase, When you get something and pay later, the difference between them is that with a hire purchase you have to pay interest and with after pay you don’t.
  4. Personal loan, money you borrow from the bank to buy a car, etc.
  5. Overdraft, when you put more money into something than you already have.

eSmart Digital License

This year we are using a website called eSmart. On eSmart there are modules about how to be sensible online, each module has around 60 questions involving things that can happen on the internet. So far I have learnt ways to stop cyberbullying and other things people do to be mean to others, I have also learnt many different ways to balance your use of technology.

Punctuation Writing

Today we had to write something with certain punctuation, I had to use commas. Here is the writing I have made:

DMIC Math Problems

DMIC math problems are short math stories that you must work together in a group to complete. Everybody needs to focus, take turns with the pen and listen to the person with the pen. Once you and your group have completed the problem, you need to wait until all the other groups have finished and then you can share how you solved the problem.

Cycle Safety Part 2

What information is on their page?

Tips and information and biking.


Can you find information about bike maintenance? 

  • Helmet, which is a legal requirement in NZ.
  • White front and red rear lights, visible from 200 metres away.
  • Hi-vis or brightly coloured clothing.


What are the ABCs of bike maintenance?

The ABCs of bike maintenance are Air, Brakes, Chain.


How many kilometers of cycleways are there in Christchurch?

There are more than 60km of cycleways


What is a hook turn?

A safer way to turn right at an intersection.


What is a greenway?

An arrow that indicates the best place bike on the road,


What is something you found interesting while exploring the Christchurch City Councils pages?

I found everything I read interesting.